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What Type of Furnace is Best for Your Home?

type of furnace

Furnaces are among the most sought-after appliances in the US, with these appliances heating 35 million single-family homes as of 2017.

Your furnace heats and distributes air throughout your house using air ducts. In doing so, it helps keep your living space warm and comfortable throughout the chilly months of the winter.

Depending on the type of furnace, you can spend anywhere between $2,614 and $6,310 to replace yours. The current national average for a new furnace is $4,453.

When you’re spending that much on an appliance, you want to make sure you’re getting the best option for your needs. To help you make an informed decision about which furnace to purchase, we’ve prepared a guide on the five top types of furnaces available in the US today.

Read on to learn more. 

Gas Furnaces

Gas furnaces are the most commonly used type of furnaces in the US. That’s because over 48% of US homes use utility gas, which is more than any other source of power used for heating. 

Gas furnaces have many desirable qualities, including high efficiency. The typical gas furnace has an annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating of 89 to 98 percent. 

Besides, gas furnaces are durable, with the average furnace lasting up to 25 years. These furnaces are also quite easy to maintain and tend to remain clean even with continued use. 

Perhaps the main drawback of gas furnaces is that there’s always the possibility of carbon monoxide leaks. Try to keep risk low through regular heating service. It also helps to invest in carbon monoxide detectors.

Electric Furnaces

Electric furnaces are also quite popular, with 38.7 percent of households using electric heating. With AFUE ratings of 95 to 100 percent, it’s easy to see why people love these furnaces. 

Generally, electric furnaces cost less than their gas equivalents. These furnaces cost anywhere between $2,000 and $7,000, while installation costs for gas furnaces can be as high as $10,000.

Another benefit of buying an electric furnace is that electricity is generally available throughout the US. That means you can use this appliance in areas where gas or oil is difficult to source. Moreover, you can easily connect your electric furnace to solar panels, which results in greater energy cost savings. 

With electric furnaces, you never have to worry about gas leaks. Moreover, there’s no actual fire present in your furnace. That makes these furnaces among the safest options you can find. 

But electric furnaces do have their drawbacks as well. For instance, these furnaces heat more slowly than gas furnaces. They also have higher running costs than gas furnaces.

Oil Furnaces

Oil furnaces are especially popular in parts of the country that have limited access to natural gas. These furnaces have an AFUE rating of between 80 and 90 percent. 

Oil burning furnaces cost around $6,750 to $10,000 to install. These furnaces have a lifespan of about 30 years. 

Generally, oil furnaces are more expensive to run than their gas counterparts. That’s because oil is often imported and has volatile prices. You’ll also need to invest in an onsite oil storage tank, which is an additional expense. 

Oil furnaces also require more maintenance than gas and electric furnaces. Over time, an oil furnace will develop soot and carbon depositions on the appliance’s heat exchanger. You’ll need to clean up these deposits periodically to maintain the appliance’s efficiency.

Note that the appliance’s nozzle that’s found on the burner unit needs periodic replacing. Be sure to replace the oil filters regularly as well. 

Waste Oil Furnaces

A waste oil furnace is designed to burn oil that’s no longer suitable for its intended purposes, such as vegetable or automotive oil. Through the years, these furnaces have been promoted as an eco-friendly solution since they essentially recycle oil that would have been disposed of. 

Perhaps the main concern with these furnaces is that the waste oil they use can contain other potentially harmful components. For instance, some oils contain detergents and lubricants. Other pollutants that you may be exposed to include lead and chromium that become airborne when heated.   

To stay safe, be sure to stick to EPA-regulated fuels. Regularly monitor chimney emissions to make sure your family is safe.

Dual Fuel Furnaces

A dual fuel furnace combines an air-source heat pump with an efficient gas furnace to ensure that you get the best of both worlds. This combination ensures optimal heating efficiency. If one part of the system drops in performance, the other will take over. 

Generally, a dual-fuel furnace uses electricity most of the time. The system uses gas only about 15 percent of the time. For this reason, these furnaces are far more eco-friendly than furnaces that burn fuel since there are lower emissions.  

Homeowners also have the freedom to choose between fuel options. For instance, when gas prices drop significantly lower than electricity, you can opt to use gas for an extended period, which saves you more money. 

With an AFUE rating of 95 percent, dual fuel furnaces provide good value for your money. 

Choose the Right Type of Furnace for You

Knowing what type of furnace to invest in does not have to be a tough affair. Consider what powers the furnace, as well as the unit’s price, efficiency, safety, and eco-friendliness, and go for a unit that best suits your needs.

Are you interested in top-quality HVAC services? Schedule an appointment with us today. We offer a complete range of repair and installation services.

Sameh t
Author: Sameh t


  • John Carston It helped when you mentioned that it is important to consider the furnace that you want and need. My uncle mentioned to me last night that they are planning to have a furnace installed in their home and asked me if I have any idea what is the best option to do. Thanks to this informative article and I'll be sure to tell him that they can consult furnace installation services as they can answer all his inquiries and will provide good-quality service. Reply
  • Henry Killingsworth Thank you for helping me to understand that picking the right furnace for a home doesn't have to be tough. I am thinking of upgrading my furnace this summer. I would imagine that working with an HVAC contractor would probably make this process even easier. Reply

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