9 Proven Techniques to Lower Your HVAC Costs

HVAC costs

9 Proven Techniques to Lower Your HVAC Costs

In 2020, the global HVAC systems market reached a value of $127.4 billion.

During the summer an HVAC system is essential in California, but it can be very expensive to run. There are several things you can do the keep your HVAC costs down.

For a rundown of 9 proven techniques to lower your HVAC costs, keep reading.

1. Routine Maintenance

The first step to running your system effectively is making sure that it is fully operational. Depending on your skill level, you may be able to carry out several maintenance checks yourself but to ensure everything is done properly you should contact a professional air conditioning service.

Heating and Air are a professional service offering HVAC repair in California. If you think there may be an issue with your system, our team is fully trained and ready to assist with any HVAC maintenance.

2. Check Optimum Temperature Range

HVAC systems can be adjusted to different temperatures, but when running too high or too low they become less efficient.

You can usually find the optimum temperature range for your system in the owner’s manual. If not, a service technician should also be able to tell you.

Also bear in mind that changing the temperature of your HVAC system too often will reduce efficiency. Turning it up or down a lot as days get hotter or colder will force your system to work harder, burning more energy.

3. Upgrade Your Thermostat

Another way of saving on energy is by ensuring your HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain temperatures. Modern HVAC systems are compatible with smart thermostats, which allow a significantly increased level of control.

You can adjust your HVAC system by room, set different temperature schedules, and control everything even when you’re not at home. You can control the temperature very precisely, and easily.

Some smart thermostats can even learn from your habits, automatically adjusting things to suit your schedule. Also, if you leave home and forget to turn it off, you’ll have no trouble amending that.

4. Improve Your Insulation

Having a well-insulated house is the best way to maintain a temperature difference between inside your house and outside. Roofs, walls, and floors can all allow heat to flow through, so the better your insulation is, the more stable the temperature will be.

Different types of insulation are available with different benefits, and the type you need will vary depending on your home and location.

5. Seal Off Any Drafts

If there are any gaps around windows or doors letting a draft in it will have a large impact on the temperature of your home. This will then force your HVAC system to work a lot harder to maintain your desired temperature.

There are several steps you can take to make sure no drafts are leaking in:

  • Ensure all windows and doors are shut
  • Caulk gaps around the edges of doors and windows
  • Apply weatherstrips around window and door frames if there are gaps
  • Check drywall gaps and stud cavities, sealing any you find
  • Insulate recessed lighting
  • Seal any loose ductwork with tape or sealant

6. Regularly Change Air Filters

Air filters will get dirty with time. Dust, pet fur, pollen, and other small particles will cover them, so they should be changed regularly.

Generally in the summer, you should replace your filters once a month, and in winter you only need to change them once every 2-3 months. You can get a more accurate idea of when to change them from your HVAC or filter manufacturer.

Some factors will mean that you should change your filters more often, for example, if you have pets, allergies, or asthma.

7. Keep Vents Clear

Replacing filters is only half the battle, as an obstructed vent can be even more of an issue. Avoid placing anything in front of vents, like furniture, shelves, or draperies. This will help air to flow freely.

Regularly clean any dust or dirt from vents with a soapy rag and an old toothbrush. Dry afterward to prevent any standing water.

When removing the vent cover for a more thorough clean, make sure you turn off your HVAC system first or you risk dust blowing out onto your face and into the room.

8. Upgrade Your HVAC System

No matter how well you take care of your HVAC system, or how often you have it serviced, like all machines, it will deteriorate with time, and newer, better models will replace it.

If your system is more than 10 years old, it is probably time to invest in a new one.

While you might not like the thought of the cost of replacing it, a newer HVAC system will immediately start saving you money on bills as it will be more efficient. In almost all situations the running costs will drop, and the performance of the system will be noticeably better.

An HVAC company like Heating and Air can assess your home and your needs to determine the best HVAC unit for you.

9. Control Temperatures With Curtains and Blinds

One method of improving the efficiency of your HVAC system that doesn’t actually involve it. During the summer, keeping curtains open can allow direct sunlight in, heating your home significantly.

Doing the same in the winter will allow more heat to escape, so during the colder months, you can keep more curtains shut to keep the warmth in.

The type of curtains or blinds you have can also affect this. Thermal curtains are designed to better insulate your home.

Help Keep Your HVAC Costs Down

Heat and Air is a San Francisco HVAC company that offers several services including HVAC installation as well as maintenance and repair. We have a number of solutions to help keep your HVAC costs to a minimum.

If you need a new HVAC system, or just want to have yours looked over, we’ve got you covered. For any questions, click here to contact us today.

Sameh t
Author: Sameh t


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