Almost half the energy in your home goes towards heating and cooling. With this in mind, it’s crucial to consider how you go about heating your home’s water.
If your heating installation isn’t done correctly, you may lose money through heating inefficiencies for years to come! The way forward is to learn about how heating should be installed the right way on your property for peace of mind. After all, there are plenty of other issues you have to worry about when owning a home.
In this guide, we’ll teach you seven heating installation tips that will give you a much better idea of the process. Read on to educate yourself on efficient home water heater installation.
1. Don’t Underestimate Your Hot Water Needs
One rookie mistake that many people make with water heater installation is they underestimate how much hot water they will need. Homeowners think they can save money by purchasing a smaller water heater. However, if it’s too small for your hot water demands, you’ll end up paying out more in the long run.
Instead, work out how much hot water you and your family use each day. For showering, you need ten gallons per ten minutes, and for hand-washing the dishes you need around two gallons per minute. A dishwasher needs about six gallons every time you use it and a washing machine about seven gallons.
2. Embrace New Heating Technology
There are now various renewable energy water heating options available on the market. If you decide to go with one of these, your bills will be very low or in some cases zero!
For instance, you can now get solar water heaters for a fair price. Although, these won’t be so efficient in some climates, so do your research about whether a solar water heater install will work in your location.
3. Look for Quality Over Cheapness
You may be tempted to find a cheap water heater to serve your needs. However, if you don’t find a reliable HVAC company to service yours, it can cost you a fortune in the long run.
That’s why it’s a good idea to look for a water heater that’s proven to stand the test of time. This way, you shouldn’t need to have your heater serviced so much. But when the time comes for servicing, we recommend you spend time looking for a reputable HVAC installation company.
4. Shop Around for Energy Efficient Options
The price of tank water heaters may be pretty low at the moment. The question is are they more efficient than tankless options?
In most cases, a tankless water heater is the way forward if you want to save money long term. One reason for this is that tank heater options tend to build up rust because of the water exposure. Another reason is they are just built to be more efficient.
The key is to check out the energy efficiency ratings of various tankless heaters to find the best deal. It’ll be worth the effort when you see the cost savings you make in the years to come!
5. Follow the Installation Instructions Properly
It might seem like something obvious, but many people who try to install a heater tend to go rogue with the setup. The best advice is to follow the instructions carefully to get the best out of your heating system.
In general, a much better idea is to get professionals in to carry out your hot water heater installation. It’ll save you loads of time and effort, and in the grand scheme of things won’t cost you so much.
6. Install in an Accessible Place
If you install your heater in a place that’s super-difficult to reach in your home, you’re creating unnecessary problems for yourself. Initially, it might seem like a good idea to tuck the heater away so that you have more space in the home to use. Yet, when it breaks down, it’ll be a nightmare to fix.
Plus, if the heater is hard to reach, you are less likely to check on it to see if any basic maintenance is needed. If you don’t check your heater from time to time, you won’t be able to deal with easy to prevent issues that can turn into much bigger and more expensive problems down the line.
7. Ensure the Drain Line Is in the Right Place
If you are opting for a tank water heater, getting the drain line in the right place is vital. The drain line is what you attach to the TPR valve on the tank which releases water when your tank has too much pressure.
Ensure that your drain line is firmly fastened in place and positioned over a floor drain nearby. If you don’t do this, you can run into all sorts of nasty problems. For instance, if water is leaking into your home, you could end up with severe structural water damage which can cost an absolute fortune to fix.
Get the Right Help
In the end, the best way to make sure your hot water heater installation goes well is to employ experienced professionals. Yes, you might save a little money by attempting to do the installation yourself, but do you want to risk botching it up without even realizing it?
Find a good HVAC installation company that knows what they are doing and gets the job done in no time. This way, you can have peace of mind with the issue and get on with other pressing things in your life.
Heating Installation Tips Explained
We’ve now run through seven helpful tips for heating installation that you should consider. Follow these tips, and you should have little hassle with the process.
At San Francisco Heating and Air Conditioning, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality and great value for the money services. If you’d like to know more about what we can offer you, please head over to our website.